To assist us in reaching our goal please enter the monetary value of the school items you wish to purchase under your desired product and click the Buy Now! button. Once you have added this product to your cart, you can proceed to the checkout or continue shopping by clicking the Go Back button! Multiple purchases can be made across multiple schools within the same shopping basket. If you have any questions or trouble processing your order please contact our customer care on [email protected] or 278.1500.
“Thank you for the opportunity to present a wish list, on behalf of Somerset Primary’s students and teachers. Your philanthropic endeavor is valued and appreciated.” - Mr. O’Brien Osborne, Principal
Disclaimer: is not a registered charity under the Charities Act - we are a community-action initiative. We do not solicit funds from the Bermuda public and we do not receive funding from the Bermuda Government or from Bermuda public sources. Supporters make direct purchases of school supplies and projects with the retail supplies, so we never see, receive or handle funds. That way 0% of dollars are spent on admin expenses and 100% are spent on supplies and projects for kids.